A Tale of Two Swings...and a slide, and a pirate wheel, and a rock wall...
Cooper really appreciates the outdoors. Anytime we to go somewhere I have to carry him out the door to the car or he will run like an escaping convict down the driveway. He will do anything to play outside and will stay out there until I drag him kick and screaming (literally) inside. His Diva decided he needed his first swingset, so we went to Home Depot to pick one out. We found the perfect one (not too big and not too boring) and had it waiting for us in will call. We waited until Grampy and Grammy came in to town for Easter so that we'd have a few extra hands to help build the monstrosity (did I say not too big? ha.) This is how the pieces and parts looked in the yard:
Grampy and Daddy worked all day Saturday and on Sunday Aunt Emmy and I joined in to make sure it got done before our extra hands left to go home. By 7pm Sunday night we were left with this:
And there is one little boy who LOVES it:
So a big thanks to Diva, Grampy, Daddy, Emmy, and Grammy (for Cooper wrangling while we built.) You all have made a wild heathen child even more accident prone. I'll be sending you the hospital bill. Just kidding, we will be careful. We really do love it....promise.
Grampy and Daddy worked all day Saturday and on Sunday Aunt Emmy and I joined in to make sure it got done before our extra hands left to go home. By 7pm Sunday night we were left with this:
And there is one little boy who LOVES it:
So a big thanks to Diva, Grampy, Daddy, Emmy, and Grammy (for Cooper wrangling while we built.) You all have made a wild heathen child even more accident prone. I'll be sending you the hospital bill. Just kidding, we will be careful. We really do love it....promise.
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